Dave Clarke Bio

He may be known as The Baron Of Techno, a moniker given to him by John Peel, but Dave Clarke has an anarchist streak a mile wide and punk in his soul.

Having no truck with establishment figures or authoritarianism, it’s unsurprising he revels in the libertarianism of the World Wide Web. It gives symmetry to his savvy techno vision. Ever the gadget-lover, he enthuses about downloading books onto hand-held devices but his main motive is delivering music to the ears of his global dancing public. 

He plays out every weekend everywhere. At every event there’s the same attention to detail, his sets swooping whip-smart along the cutting blade of techno and electro backed up by a seasoned bag of DJ tricks that pushes the whole caboodle to the next level.

Press enquires: Nikki McNeill nikki@globalpublicity.co.uk

Management: Ade Fenton ade@randommusicmgmt.com


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